HBZ Hong Kong - Branch Network
Habib Bank Zurich Hong Kong Limited Habib Bank Zurich (Hong Kong) Limited,
a Restricted Licence Bank
Hong Kong


We offer services such as LC advising, confirmation and payment services. Our correspondents have the option of opening Hong Kong Dollar, US Dollar and Euro accounts with us for remittances and Letters of Credit reimbursements. There is no account maintenance fee.

Hong Kong has the unique distinction of having local clearing in US Dollar and Euro besides Hong Kong Dollar. The US Dollar and Euro clearing systems facilitate efficient settlement of transactions on a real-time basis within the Hong Kong time zone.

Rediscounting of Banker's Acceptance

We are well positioned to offer rediscounting of documentary bills facilities and handle risk participation deals to assist in mitigating risks in international trade. To find out more about rediscounting facilities and how we can offer quick and flexible solutions, please contact us.

For compliance with local laws and regulations, all customers or prospective customers will undergo a "Know Your Customer (KYC) " and due diligence process initiated by the Bank. Details of the information sought will be made available to customers or prospective customers upon request at any of our Branches.

To find out more, Visit a branch.

NOTE: Terms and Conditions apply.

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